We are Ethco

Ethco is helping ethnic and independent stores go digital using low-touch technology, whilst assisting customers to order from their local store online.


Our Mission

Our mission is to help Ethnic and Independent convenience store owners with low technical skills go online in the easiest way possible. We are leveraging artificial intelligence (AI) to make it extremely easy for our stores to automate processes and shorten the process of creating and publishing products.

We are passionate about our stores and customers. These stores are losing an average of 5% footfall annually because they are not online,We are working to change this and give customers who would love the convenience of ordering online from these stores, the ability to do that.

At the core of our team are individuals who have experienced this pain point first-hand. We would all love to order from our ethnic stores on-demand and get it within a few hours, Ethco is the only company offering this service conveniently to customers.

Our core values

Customer focused

Ethco is passionate about solving problems for store owners and customers. We are happy when our customers are satisfied.

Continous innovation

We believe in disrupting the way things are done in order to introduce new and easier ways of doing things.

Trustworthy relationship

Ethco aims to be the company you can trust to solve your problems in the easiest way, with your best interests in mind.

Community support

Our work focuses on communities that have not benefited significantly from digital transformation. These are the communities we aim to support with the simplest technologies.

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